Saturday, November 22, 2008
Meeting Habiburrahman El-Shirazy
Perbincangan kami bermula sekitar jam 10.15 pagi dan berakhir pada jam 1.00 ptg. Alhamdulillah peserta yang hadir agak ramai berbanding discussion kame yang pertama dulu yang diadakan di Masjid Bandar Baru Nilai. Haha, kami pun tak sangka seramai itu yang datang.
Setelah selesai menunaikan solat fardhu Zohor, kami cuma mengutarakan cadangan kepada adik2 yang mengikuti discussion tadi sama ada mahu pergi ke Universiti Malaya (UM) untuk mengahadiri satu lagi program Bedah Buku Ketika Cinta Bertasbih: Bersama Habiburrahman dan Ummu Hani.
Wah, adik2 begitu bersemangat sekali nak jumpa Habiburrahman. Ye lah, penulis novel terkenal "Ayat-ayat Cinta" tu. So, semua pun setuju nak pergi UM. Tapi sebelum tu kami isi perut dulu. Lapar...Hehe
Well, not bad lah cadangan Abang Faisal untuk makan kat restoran mamak. Makanan nye memang sedap tapi, mak oi....mahal nyerrrr...Redha je lah kan...nak isi perut punyer pasal. Ahaks...
Lepas semua dah habis makan, kami pun berpecah kepada dua kumpulan, kumpulan yang nak pergi Kinokuniya bersama Abang Faisal and kumpulan yang pergi UM dan aku telah diamanahkan untuk menjadi ketua rombongan ke UM. haha, aku yang tak tahu jalan ni disuruh jadi ketua rombongan. Nasib baik ada kaklong yang memang pelajar UM. Kaklong lah yang jadi penunjuk jalannyer
Sampai kat UM, kami terus pergi ke Institut Pasca Siswazah (IPS). Tengok senyap sunyi jer. Ade ke tak program ni? Pelik memnag pelik. Nasib baik aku teringat yang Aminuddin pergi program ni. Aku pun contact lah dia..
Lepas beberapa saat, kami nampak Amin kat satu sudut ni. Jumpa2 jer dia terus cakap...
"Korang ni dah terlambat lah. Program dah habis..."
Apa perasaan kami waktu tu ek...datang penat2 ni tapi program dah habis. Huwaaaa....sedeynyerrr.
Pastu Amin sambung...
" Tadi diorang tayangkan movie Ayat2 Cinta jer. Habiburrahman tak datang lagi. Flight die delay....Dorang kata maybe tunda ke malam ni atau buat kat Singapore.."
Huhuhu...tak de rezeki. Sian kat adik2 aku dari nilai ni. Dorang excited nak jumpe Habiburrahman. Nak wat camne dik, rezeki takde.
Jadi kami mengambil keputusan untuk balik ke Nilai............dengan perasaan kecewa...huhuhu
Waktu nak balik pun, kitorang diuji lagi oleh Allah. Kami menunggu di stesen bas depan UM tapi bas yang ditunggu2 tak kelihatan. Plannyer nak naik bas untuk terus ke MidValley, tapi banyak bas yang terus pergi KL Central. Lama jugak ah kami tunggu, sian tengok muka adik2 ni. Penat semua nyer. Lastly, kami pun decide naik bas ke KL Central.
Sampai di KL Central, kami tunaikan solat fardhu Asar terlebih dahulu. Boleh bayagkan tak, tengah-tengah aku solat tu ada pengumuman yang berbunyi...
" Perhatian kepada penumpang-penumpang KTM, pihak kami memohon maaf kerana pihak KTM telah menghadapi masalah. Oleh itu, tiada perkhidmatan KTM pada hari ini. Semua perjalanan akan dibatalkan. Kepada penumpang yang telah membeli tiket, permohonan wang kembali boleh dibuat di kaunter KTM yang disediakan, Sekian, terima kasih..."
Tak khusyuk langsung aku solat. Huwaaa, memang mencabar giler lah. Aku pun dok fikir2 macam mana nak balik NIlai ni.
Selesai solat, aku tunggu kat luar surau. Bile sume dah kumpul, aku pun tanye kat semua...
" Dengar tak pengumuman tadi?"
" Dengar.....(dengan nada yang sedih)"
Tengah2 bincang, tiba2 handphone aku bunyi..
" em, betul betul betul..." tanda ada message masuk. hehe
Kami dari pihak pengurusan Program Bedah Buku
bersama Habiburrahman dan Ummu Hani ingin memberitahu
bahawa program tersebut ditunda pada malam ini
pada pukul 9 malam. Sila bagi tahu pada kawan2 yang lain.
Aku pun terus bagitau adik2 pasal berita ni. Ade yang excited, ade juga yang diam je. Aku tanye pendapat sorang2.
Kebetulan kaklong telefon Abah and bagitau pasal problem ni. Alhamdulillah Abah offer nak hantar ke Nilai.
Jadi sekarang ada 2 pilihan, nak patah balik ke UM atau nak balik ke Nilai. Tapi kami tak buat pilihan, kami pilih dua2 sekali. hehe...yang nak pergi UM ikut aku and Syuhada. Yang nak balik NIlai lak ikut Kaklong.
laporan seterusnyer akan disambung nanti...( penat lah and lapar... hehe )
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ntah Pape Lah Aku Nih...
Tadi baru je habis exam Muet (speaking je la). Bukan main seronok nyer aku dah habis speaking tadi. Dah la nervous gler time dlm waiting room. Huhu...Dapat tajuk agak senang tapi tak tahulah sbb ape, jawapan yang diberi merepek-repek jadinyer. Ye lah, orang tak prepare kan...
Disebabkan dah habis Exam Muet speaking, aku pun dah malas nak tulis dlm bahasa Inggeris (ntah pape lah aku ni kan T.T). Tapi tu bukan lah main reason. ahaks...sungguh menyedihkan lah...Hari tu aku ade bagi alamat blog aku ni kat Umi and Abah aku nak suruh Umi and Abah baca and bagi comment lah specially on grammar aku yang sungguh berterabur ni. Umi and Abah memang sangat sibuk mencari rezeki untuk menyarah 8 orang anaknya yang masih belajar lagi. Lebih2 lagi nak tanggung anak mereka yang nombor 2 nih yang selalu meminta2 kan. Ahaks...Jadi mereka memang tak dapat baca pun blog aku nih. Untuk dipendekkan cerita, time aku tgh update blog di rumah, ayah aku datang nak amik alih. Kan blog aku ni kan cantik kan, jadi ayah aku pun terpikat dengan menyatakan:
" Ape bende yang Hanan bukak nih.... mengarut-ngarut.."
Uhuk, jantungku berhenti 2 saat...
" Ni blog Hanan lah Abah. Abah nie cakap blog orang mengarut lak...Abah dah bukak belum blog Hanan ni?"
" Manalah Abah ade mase...Meh Abah bace jap..."
Tak sampai 5 minit, Abah dah panggil aku and die tanye ape bende yang aku dok bercerita dalam blog ni dengan grammar yang berterabur ni. Wakakaka... Aku memang mangaku grammar aku memand berterabur. Dah la ayat2 nye ntah pape and susah nak difahami. lain yang aku nak cerite, lain lak yang aku tulis.
So, Abah pun betulkanlah grammar2 and ayat2 aku yang tak betul tu and Abah suruh aku edit balik. Tapi, sorry lah Abah, anak Abah ni memang pemalas lebih-lebih lagi pasal bahasa Inggeris kan. Kalau Bahasa Korea InsyaALLah Hanan rajin. huhuhu (Kalau Abah baca ni, mati aku kene marah. Tapi Abah tahu kan, anak Abah nombor 2 nie memang pemalas. Die suke makan je. hahaha)
So, maybe sebab kemalasan aku jugak lah yang menyebabkan aku dok jawab ntah pape time exam Muet tadi. Band ape lah yg aku dapat nanti ek? Asal tak kene marah ngan Umi and Abah, ok lah tue. Ahaks.... >_<
Exam Muet seterusnye 8 Nov ni (Sabtu) dari pagi sampai petang. Hmmm...kene prepare lagi. Aku malas betul bab2 pekse, prepare and sewaktu dengannya. Ish....aku ni memang pemalas lah (bile lah nak berubah Hanan~)...
ish ish...
huh!!! Kenapa??? Ader orang tak betul yang gile kan duit and tak de otak gi pecahkan cermin keta Umi (Innova) pagi Isnin lepas kat Taman Tasik Cempaka time Umi and Kaklong jogging. Huh??? Tak berhati perut. Apa die fikir die sorang je nak duit. Aku nak duit gak tapi tak de lah sampai wat camtu kan (Nauzubillah...)
Tapi tak tahu lah ape yang hilang. Yang pasti handbag Umi yang disorok bawah kerusi tak berusik. Alhamdulillah...Hmmmm....melayang duit Abah and Umi RM 160. Tapi nasib bek insurance cover (alahamdulillah lagi).
Bile aku fikir2 kan, layak ke aku cakap orang yang wat keje gile ni sebagai orang tak berotak and gile? Aku terfikir lah kan, maybe die sbnrnye baik tapi sebab terdesak yang teramat sangat (sangat sangat giler punye terdesak), jadi die pun paksa diri die wat keje tu. Die dah tak de duit nak bagi isteri and anak2 die makan. Mana tahu keluarga die sakit ke and die tak de duit nak beli ubat...Sume ni mungkin betul and mungkin salah. Aku fikir kan Allah larang kite bersangka buruk terhadap orang lain. Time macam ni, patut ker kite fikir macam ni ek?
Tapi kan bile aku fikir macam ni, aku tak de lah marah gler kat orang tu sampai nak belasah die kan sebab kalau lah aku berada kat tempat die (yang terdesak giler babeng punye terdesak kan), maybe I will do the same thing. Huh...susahnye hidup ni...
Bile kejadian ni berlaku, banyak sebenarnye hikmahnye yang aku dapat fikir. Dulu aku selalu doa lepas solat:
" Ya Allah, lindungilah keluargaku dari segala kejahatan, keaniyaan, kecelakaan, kefasikan, kemunafikan, kezaliman, maksiat, bencana dan malapetaka mu."
Tapi akhir2 nie aku memang tak doa lagi doa ni. Bile aku fikir, Allah mesti nak beri peringatan kat aku supaya jangan putus berdoa pada Allah. Sekali kite lupe, Allah terus ingat kan kite. Wah, sayang nye Allah kat aku (alhamdulillah..) Terima kasih Ya Allah atas peringatanmu terhadap hambamu yang sering lalai ini....
Time aku bincang2 ngan Umi pasal musibah ni, aku terkejut Umi pun fikir yang sama. Umi cakap, dulu Umi selalu doa pada Allah dijauh dari musibah. Akhir2 ni, sebab Umi terlalu sibuk ngan kerja PHD Umi, Umi doa pendek je and jarang solat sunat berbanding dulu. Lepas kejadian tu, Umi sedar yang Umi pun lalai. Umi kata, konon Umi nak kejar masa untuk wat keje PHD, tapi bile cermin keta kene pecah, lagi banyak masa Umi terbuang. Umi kene wat laporan polis. Mule2 pegi Balai Polis Bangi. Tapi sebab tak de ape ntah kat Balai Polis Bangi tu, Umi kene wat laporan kat Balai Polis Kajang lak. Umi kata Umi spend dalam 2 jam lebih semata2 nak selesaikan masalah tu. Bukan saje buang masa tapi buang tenaga and duit. Jadi bile Umi fikir2 balik, Allah memang nak tunjuk kat kite yang kite ni memang dah lalai sangat. Ish ish...Astaghfirullah...Lagipun, musibah yang menimpa kite tak teruk sangat. Handbag Umi yang ade lebih RM 100 kat bawah kerusi die tak dapat jumpe. Kalau die dapat, tak tahu lah Umi macam mana...
Apa yang wat aku tergelak nyer, bile Kaklong cakap kat Abah yang Polis cakap memang Taman Tasik Cempaka tu Black Area. Abah punyer lah marah dengan berkata " Kepala otak die...dari bile lagi tempat tu black area...make it white lah...ape polis buat...dari dulu lagi orang dok wat laporan...polis tu tak wat pape ke..."
hahaha....kalau aku lah, aku tambah lagi " Kepala hotak ko berjambul..."
kakaka...ish tak baik lah cakap camtu. Jangan tiru ar....
Kesimpulannya, jangan lalai daripada mengingati Allah. Allah kalau nak tunjuk, sekelip mata je boleh jadi...
Ya Allah Ampunilah segala dosa2ku dan dosa2 orang tuaku dan dosa2 keluargaku serta lindungilah kami semua dari segala kejahatan, keaniyaan, kecelakaan, kefasikan, kemunafikan, kezaliman, maksiat, bencana dan malapetakamu. Sesungguhnya Engkau Tuhan yang maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang, Maha Mendengar Lagi Maha Mengetahui.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
bad luck!!!
1st : happened to my 2nd younger brother (Fahim) and he was very little. A very hot santan (if i'm not mistaken) were 'tertumpah' (and what is the correct english term for this word) on his body. ish..ish...
2nd: happened to my 3rd youngest sister (Nurin) last year. usually, she will have bath with hot water (suam2 lah gitu). so, that morning as usual, my 1st younger sister (Fatin) did her job as usual. boiled water and poured it into a 'baldi' (mixed with normal water). But that day, don't know how it could happen. She poured extremely hot water (which was not been mixed with normal water) onto her body and then....AAAAAAAAARGH....she screamed in pain. Wush...I still remember that day. It was mathematics paper and it was SPM. Fatin got scolded badly with my father. Poor her. She apologized to Nurin and she was crying. I pity her very much. HUHUHU...I wonder how was she going to face her Math Paper with such a bad mood. But alhamdulillah, she managed to get A1 for her maths. Cayalah Fatin... Well, she is very clever (not like me).
And the 3rd one happened to Yasmin. ish...ish...Yasmin was on her way downstairs. There is a wall beside the stairs that we couldn't see the people behind the wall. On the same time, Fahim, my 2nd younger brother was on his way to the guest room which is located in front of the stairs and he was carrying a mug of hot water. So, Yasmin hit Fahim accidentally as soon as she arrived downstairs. The water in the mug was splashed out a bit from the mug onto Yasmin's body and the same scream I heard when the hot water been poured onto Nurin's body.
It was very scary tough when I saw the wound on their body. I hope this kind of bad luck will not happen again to my family. Well, it reminds me to always be careful with hot water. T.T
Ya Allah, please keep us away from bad things that could hurt us. Amin...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Worst Semester Ever T.T
" Stop writing evreryone...we are going to collect your paper now..."
I stopped writing with a question that the answer is still didn't complete. It's not that I want to obey the exam prefect but the thing is.... I DON"T KNOW THE ANSWER...WARGHHHH...
huhuhu...that was my last paper for this semester. I bet you....this is my worst semester ever. I'm very afraid to see my result. What pointer I will get. I'm dead...seriously...dead.
Right now, I'm waiting for my father to fetch me up. Today is the last day for this semester. 2nd year 1st semester. Most of my classmates are going to Gombak. Huhuhu...I'll miss them. I wonder how's the life in Gombak. I've been to Gombak (UIA Gombak = Main Campus for Arts Students) for about 3 times if I'm not mistaken. It's very big and not to forget very beautiful.
The last time I went there was for doing research on my assignment (sampai tersesat2 cari jalan). haha...
Well, this semester should be a lesson to me. I certainly will not do the same mistake again for my next semester (I hope so). I should study seriously, pay my full attention in class, finish my assignment early and do revision early. Everything must be done early. Hmm, I wonder whether I can do that. INSYAALLAH...Aja Aja Fighting... T.T you guys have any advice for me? Please voice it out...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Jeong Mal Kam Sa Hab Ni Da
I forgot to thank Sheera for helping me to make my blog beautiful. She's the one who taught me how to change the layout. Wooo.....and I love this layout very much. Hehehe...
Actually I tried to search for purple background but couldn't find it. When Sheera show me this layout, I told her that it's cute too. So I decided to make it as my blog's background. How does it looks? cute right...Hahaha ( tak leh berhenti puji diri sendiri ).
Thanks a lot Sheera for your help. May Allah bless you always. Sheera sshi, jeong mal kam sa hab ni da~~ Annyeonghi...>_<
When I can't answer the question~
haha...I wonder how many marks that i will get. HUHUHU....
Solehan went out at 10.15 am. Wow, she must had answer it easily. Everytime I looked at her, she was writing but me...every 10 minutes I stopped writing and looked at everyone. Fuh, it's a very hard time...
5 minutes before the exam end, Sarah looked at me and smiled (a very meaningful smile). Hahaha, I guess I know what she wanted to say "The questions are hard....". It is hard because I didn't prepare early.
Tomorrow, Dirasat Ayatul Muhktarah (Al-Quran). Then one paper to go, Intro. to Critical n creative thinking. After that, I'm FREE....hehe. But another semester at Cenfos. Huhuhu...
AJa Aja Fighting....
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Experience..New Knowledge
We had a discussion on a great Islamic Scholars which is Proffessor Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas. I admit that I don't know him before. When Sarah told me that he was a Malaysian, I was a bit shocked because I thought that he was from somewhere in Arabic Country (if Sarah and Faizah read this, they will laugh at me). Haha....That shows how 'cetek' my knowledge is.
After I know who is Prof Naquib is (through the discussion with Bro Fayhsal), I think I admire him as a great thinker. I'm not an intellectual girl like my close friends so it's a bit easy for me to admire great people once I know them and what they did until i think that they are great thinkers.
Hmm, right now, I think Prof Naquib is the only Islamic Scholars that I know (I mean I really know his background....not really know lah...). Long time ago, I've once had a mission to get to know more about Islamic Scholars by reading a lot but it didn't work. LOL....The mission seems went away replaced by the mission to do well in my studies (without me noticing it...hmmm).
Right now, I really want to add my knowledge on Islamic Scholars but not through reading but through attending discussion like what Bro Fayhsal did. I hope that this time, I could achive my mission and be the real mission for me. AJA AJA FIGHTING~~~
(Huh, I think my english is getting worser and worser. With this kind of english, I think I'm going to fail my MUET test. HUHUHU....If my sisters read this, they will absolutely laugh at me. Well, can't blame them. If I were them, I think i will laugh at myself too. LOL)
Fighting Hanan Fighting!!!
Seng il Chuka Hab Ni Da~~~uri suhn seng nim sahrang
Today is my suhn seng nim (teacher = Kim Lin Hye) birthday. She's already 21 years old. I really want to wish her Happy Birthday but it's a bit hard to contact her. She's in Russia now furthering her studies there. I had chat with her once after we didn't contact each other for a long time. I thought that she already forgot about me since she didn't contact me. But I'm really happy when we chat that day. she told me that it was very hard to online in Russia. HUHU, I was very bad to think that she forgot me already. Lin, Please forgive me. I can't send letters to her because I forgot to ask her address in Russia. waaa so sad.
May happiness be witk you always. I wish you good luck in your studies and I hope our friendship will last forever.
Luv~ Hanna ~ Chingu Yongwonhi
(I hope she can read this. hehe)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Regretting....It's no use!
It's no use to regret now. haha...T.T - Moral: Do study early Hanan~~~~
Four paper to go :
Please pray for me~~~Kam Sa Hab Ni Da..
Sunday, September 14, 2008
So many things to do~~
- Read Aqidah as the second mid-term is on 22nd September 2008
- Memorise Surah Ali Imran (91 verse) : that's a lot
- Prepare 2 proposal for 2 different subject. A proposal for BMW (Basic Research Method and Report Writing) and a proposal for CCT (Critical and Creative Thinking).
Oh, only three things....THAT'S A LOT....
Kyaaaaa. What am I supposed to do. The semester will end on November and I have to submit the proposal nextweek. WHAT A LIFE!!!
Ohhhh God, please help me...T.T
I wonder what an excellent student do until they manage to get 4 flat every semester. Well, I used to ask my mother how to get an excellent result in examination. She always said that bring your book everywhere you go and read it when you have nothing to do. And that's my problem. I don't like to bring the book everywhere I go. HUHUHU, what am I going to do then??? I'm a student who love to study last minute. Haha, can't help it cause my mom also used to study last minute when she was a student. But the different is she still got an excellent result while I'm not. Poor me....
Monday, September 1, 2008
안녕하새요~ My Passion Towards 한국



After that, I search for the lyrics translation to understand the meaning of their songs. Besides that, I also search on how to learn Korean and I memorised the Korean characters. Since that time, I've managed to read Korean that that makes me feel more excited to learn Korean. But until today, I still can't talk and build sentences in Korean. HUHUHU T.T. Right now, I have already owned two cheap Korean dictionaries and I thank Allah for letting me to own the dictionaries.
To make it easy for me, I also have searched for 선생님 (teacher) to help me and they are my beloved pen pals. Both of them are 김린헤 & 권샛별. Both of them are a very great and helpful teacher. Besides teaching me Korean, they also shared with me the Korean Culture and important dates in Korea. Love them so much.
But I feel a bit sad nowadays because I have to stop learning Korean for a while. I have been very busy with my assignments. Whoah~~~The assignments make me go crazy. I feel that my life is in a mess (why not? I've been procrastinating my work). Huhuhu T.T. I just want to run from all of this but that's impossible (of course). Ok, seems like I didn't talk about the title. .....
Well, this is a story about my passion towards Korea. Is it clear enough? I think I'll tell more about it next time. That's all for now. Good Bye~~
Hmm..belum habis lagi nih. Tambah sikit lagi. Lama-kelamaan aku mula terfikir takkan aku nak blaja Korea semata-mata kerana minat aku terhadap TVXQ? Aku tetiba rasa yang semua usaha aku tu hanya sia2 blaka. Ye lah, blaja sebab minat kat TVXQ? Mungkin itu hanya mendatangkan faedah bagi aku sahaja untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang Korea dengan baik bila aku pergi ke Korea nanti ( kalau pergi lah, huhu). Aku mula terfikir apa faedahnya bagi aku di sisi Tuhan yang Maha Esa? Soalan itu bermain-main difikiranku. Mungkinkah aku patut mengubah niat aku itu??? Ya Allah, redhailah segala pekerjaanku....
Thursday, August 28, 2008

wah, bunga yang cantik. hehehe.. sebenarnye, aku tak tahu nak tulis ape kat blog nih. Asalnya aku ni bukan lah penulis samaada di blog atau pun penulis artikel. Aku rasa tak de sape yang nak baca blog yang boring ni. Aku pun tulis je lah ape2 yang aku nak. hehehe
First of all, I would like to tell you why I choose MURASAKI GURL as my blog name. Well, do you know what's the meaning of this sentence? In Japanese language, murasaki means purple. When thye words are combined - Murasaki gurl - it means purple gurl. Now why did I choose gurl? ...Because I'm a girl. hahaha ( What a stupid question...). I love purple so much. I want all my things in purple color but that's a bit impossible. haha. well, That's why I choose this name for my blog. ( ridiculous )
Suddenly I decided to write in English. On this coming November, I have to seat on MUET (Malaysian University English Test) Examination that is compulsory for every students who wants to enter university. I hope by writing in English, I could improve my english. (Can that happen? :P) Although my English is not very good and have so many grammatical error, I hope I can learn more by writing in english. Hope the reader also can help me. Hehe ^^.
I think that's all for now. See ya
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
wah wah wah, ni lah kali pertama aku ade blog sendiri. huhu, baru lah pandai nak buat. tadi dok dengar kawan2 cite pasal blog terus bersemangat nak ade blog jugak. hehe. harap2 lah blog aku ni hidup. ^_^