Sunday, September 14, 2008

So many things to do~~

Waaaaaaaaaaa....I don't know whether it's called stress or what but i do feel that there are so many things to do and I just want to leave all of them. Let's see what I have to do:

- Read Aqidah as the second mid-term is on 22nd September 2008
- Memorise Surah Ali Imran (91 verse) : that's a lot
- Prepare 2 proposal for 2 different subject. A proposal for BMW (Basic Research Method and Report Writing) and a proposal for CCT (Critical and Creative Thinking).

Oh, only three things....THAT'S A LOT....
Kyaaaaa. What am I supposed to do. The semester will end on November and I have to submit the proposal nextweek. WHAT A LIFE!!!

Ohhhh God, please help me...T.T

I wonder what an excellent student do until they manage to get 4 flat every semester. Well, I used to ask my mother how to get an excellent result in examination. She always said that bring your book everywhere you go and read it when you have nothing to do. And that's my problem. I don't like to bring the book everywhere I go. HUHUHU, what am I going to do then??? I'm a student who love to study last minute. Haha, can't help it cause my mom also used to study last minute when she was a student. But the different is she still got an excellent result while I'm not. Poor me....


faizah said...

dont get ur life stress...
make it as a habit if u want to be a succesfull person...
chaiyok hanan u can do it
faizah link yer kat friend

Ini Cerita Saya said...

hanann ya mannan...

li maza anti stress2 begini...

isbir sodiqoti...

betulkan niat kerana Allah Taala..

anggap sume ni ujian dari-Nya utk hamba2-Nya....

makin kuat ujian-Nya...itu petanda DIA makin saaaaaayang pd kita....
