Monday, October 13, 2008

New Experience..New Knowledge

Alhamdulillah, I've given a chance to go on a great discussion last Saturday which were lead by Brother Fayhsal. Actually I was a bit lazy to go on a discussion like that because I'm not an intellectual nor an activist. But after that, I was excited and I wish I didn't want to miss the discussion. Thanks a lot to Sarah Syafiqah and Faizah for inviting me to the discussion. ^_^. May Allah bless you two.

We had a discussion on a great Islamic Scholars which is Proffessor Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas. I admit that I don't know him before. When Sarah told me that he was a Malaysian, I was a bit shocked because I thought that he was from somewhere in Arabic Country (if Sarah and Faizah read this, they will laugh at me). Haha....That shows how 'cetek' my knowledge is.

After I know who is Prof Naquib is (through the discussion with Bro Fayhsal), I think I admire him as a great thinker. I'm not an intellectual girl like my close friends so it's a bit easy for me to admire great people once I know them and what they did until i think that they are great thinkers.

Hmm, right now, I think Prof Naquib is the only Islamic Scholars that I know (I mean I really know his background....not really know lah...). Long time ago, I've once had a mission to get to know more about Islamic Scholars by reading a lot but it didn't work. LOL....The mission seems went away replaced by the mission to do well in my studies (without me noticing it...hmmm).

Right now, I really want to add my knowledge on Islamic Scholars but not through reading but through attending discussion like what Bro Fayhsal did. I hope that this time, I could achive my mission and be the real mission for me. AJA AJA FIGHTING~~~

(Huh, I think my english is getting worser and worser. With this kind of english, I think I'm going to fail my MUET test. HUHUHU....If my sisters read this, they will absolutely laugh at me. Well, can't blame them. If I were them, I think i will laugh at myself too. LOL)

Fighting Hanan Fighting!!!

1 comment:

Syahirah Suhaimi said...

u won't fail yr muet hanan!
youre doing good!
fighting hanan fightin!