I'm a person who do not know the real me. ^_^
Was born on 3rd February 1989. I have 7 siblings, I'm the 2nd.
Currently studying at International Islamic University Malaysia.
A Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage student who doesn't look like an IRK student...hehe.
Do not know her own personality (still searching).
Very noisy with close friends but quiet with non-close one...
It only takes me 2 to 3 minutes to be sleepy after I started to read a book. Lol
I want to be a good khalifah who can do my responsibility very well, as amatullah (Hamba Allah, as a daughter, as a student, as a friend, as a leader and as myself.
Very interested in Arabic and Korean language but more focused on Korean language. That is something that I must not do. Huhu T.T
Love my family very much although I sometimes get irritated with my younger sisters. (they are very noisy and keep quarrelling..ish ish
Love to be ME ^_^ >_<